My blog looks at different aspects of history that interest me as well as commenting on political issues that are in the news
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Interview on first edition of my Three Rebellions
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
Lincolnshire Lives
Sunday, 11 November 2018
My Books and other publications
Those publications with an asterisk (*) were co-written with C.W. Daniels. This list does not include editorials for Teaching History, book reviews or unpublished papers. Neither does it include the two series of books for which I have been joint-editor: Cambridge Topics in History and Cambridge Perspectives in History. Including these books would increase the length of this appendix by 52 books.
Computer-based data and social and economic history (for the Local History Classroom Project), (1974).
Social and Economic History and the Computer (for LHCP), (1975).
‘Local and National History -- an interrelated response’, in Suffolk History Forum, 1977.
‘Our Future Local Historians’, in The Local Historian, Vol. 13, 1978. *
‘Sixth Form History’, in Teaching History, May 1976. *
‘Sixth Form History’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 3 June 1977. *
‘The new history -- an essential reappraisal’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 2 December 1977. *
‘Interrelated Issues’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 1 December 1978. *
‘The Myth Exposed’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 30 November 1979 * also reprinted in John Fines (ed.) see below.
Nineteenth Century Britain, (Macmillan), 1980. *
‘The Local History Classroom Project’, in Developments in History Teaching, (University of Exeter), 1980. *
‘A Chronic Hysteresis’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 5 December 1980. *
Twentieth Century Europe, (Macmillan), 1981. *
‘Is there still room for History in the secondary curriculum?’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 5 December 1981. *
‘Content considered’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 9 April 1982. *
Twentieth Century Britain, (Macmillan), 1982. *
‘A Level History’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 8 April 1983. *
‘History in danger revisited’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 9 December 1983. *
‘History and study skills’, in John Fines (ed.), Teaching History, (Holmes McDougall), 1983.
‘History and study skills’, reprinted in School and College, Vol. 4, (4), 1983.
Four scripts for Sussex Tapes, 1983:
People, Land and Trade 1830-1914.
Pre-eminence and Competition 1830-1914.
The Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution.
Lloyd George to Beveridge 1906-1950.
Four computer programs for Sussex Tapes, 1984:
The Industrial Revolution.
Population, Medicine and Agriculture.
Transport: road, canal and railway.
Social Impact of Change.
‘It’s time History Teachers were offensive’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 28 November 1984. *
The Chartists, (Macmillan), 1984. *
‘Using documents with sixth formers’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 29 November 1985. *
Learning History: A Guide to Advanced Study, (Macmillan), 1986. *
GCSE History, (The Historical Association), 1986, revised edition, 1987, as editor and contributor.
‘Training or Survival?’ with M. Booth and G. Shawyer in The Times Educational Supplement, 10 April 1987.
Change and Continuity in British Society 1800-1850, (Cambridge Topics in History, Cambridge University Press), 1987.
‘There are always alternatives: Britain during the Depression’ for BBC Radio, 14 September 1987.
‘Cultural imperialism’, in The Times Educational Supplement, 4 December, 1987.
‘The Training of History Teachers Project’, in Teaching History, 50, January 1988.
‘History’ in Your Choice of A-Levels, (CRAC,) 1988.
‘The Development of Children’s Historical Thinking’ with G. Shawyer and M. Booth, Cambridge Journal of Education, Vol. 18, (2), 1988.
‘The New Demonology’, Teaching History, Vol. 53, October 1988.
The Future of the Past: History in the Curriculum 5-16: A Personal Overview, (The Historical Association), 1988.
‘History Study Skills: Working with Sources’, History Sixth, Vol. 3, October 1988. *
‘A Critique of GCSE History: the results of The Historical Association Survey’, Teaching History, Vol. 55, March 1989.
‘History Textbook Round-up’, Teachers’ Weekly, September 1990.
‘Partnership and the Training of Student History Teachers’, with M. Booth and G. Shawyer, in M. Booth, J. Furlong and M. Wilkin (eds.), Partnership in Initial Teacher Training, (Cassell), 1990.
Economy and Society in Modern Britain 1700-1850 (Routledge), 1991.
Church and State in Modern Britain 1700-1850 (Routledge), 1991.
‘History’ in Your Choice of A-Levels, (CRAC), 1991.
‘Lies, damn lies and statistics’, Teaching History, 63, April 1991.
‘BTEC and History’, in John Fines (ed.), History 16-19, (The Historical Association), 1991.
‘What about the author?’, Hindsight: GCSE Modern History Review, Vol. 2, (1), September 1991.
‘Appeasement: A matter of opinion?’, Hindsight: GCSE Modern History Review, Vol. 2, (2), January 1992.
Economic Revolutions 1750-1850 (Cambridge Topics in History, Cambridge University Press), 1992.
‘Suez: a question of causation’, Hindsight: GCSE Modern History Review, Vol. 4, (1), September 1993.
‘History’ in Your Choice of A-Levels, (CRAC,) 1993.
History and post-16 vocational courses’, in H. Bourdillon (ed.), Teaching History, (Routledge), 1993.
‘Learning effectively at Advanced Level’, pamphlet for PGCE ITT course, (Open University), 1994.
Preparing for Inspection, (The Historical Association), 1994.
Managing the Learning of History, (David Fulton), 1995.
Chartism: People, Events and Ideas (Perspectives in History, Cambridge University Press), 1998.
BBC History File: consultant on five Key Stage 3 programmes on Britain 1750-1900, 1999.
Revolution, Radicalism and Reform: England 1780-1846, (Perspectives in History, Cambridge University Press), 2001.
‘The state in the 1840s’, Modern History Review, September 2003.
‘Chartism and the state’, Modern History Review, November 2003.
‘Chadwick and Simon: the problem of public health reform’, Modern History Review, April 2005.
Three Rebellions: Canada 1837-1838, South Wales 1839, Eureka 1854, (Clio Publishing), 2010.
Three Rebellions: Canada 1837-1838, South Wales 1839, Eureka 1854, (Clio Publishing), 2011 Kindle edition.
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1840-1882, (Clio Publishing), 2011.
Economy, Population and Transport (Nineteenth Century British Society), 2011 Kindle edition.
Work, Health and Poverty, (Nineteenth Century British Society), 2011 Kindle edition.
Education, Crime and Leisure, (Nineteenth Century British Society), 2011 Kindle edition.
Class, (Nineteenth Century British Society), 2011 Kindle edition.
Religion and Government, (Nineteenth Century British Society), 2012 Kindle edition.
Society under Pressure: Britain 1830-1914, (Nineteenth Century British Society), 2012 Kindle edition.
Sex, Work and Politics: Women in Britain, 1830-1918, (Authoring History), 2012.
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1840-1882, (Clio Publishing), 2012 Kindle edition.
Sex, Work and Politics: Women in Britain 1830-1918, 2012, Kindle edition.
Rebellion in Canada, 1837-1885 Volume 1: Autocracy, Rebellion and Liberty, (Authoring History), 2012.
Rebellion in Canada, 1837-1885, Volume 2: The Irish, the Fenians and the Metis, (Authoring History), 2012.
Resistance and Rebellion in the British Empire, 1600-1980, Clio Publishing, 2013.
Settler Australia, 1780-1880, Volume 1: Settlement, Protest and Control, (Authoring History), 2013.
Settler Australia, 1780-1880, Volume 2: Eureka and Democracy, (Authoring History), 2013.
Rebellion in Canada, 1837-1885, 2013, Kindle edition.
'A Peaceable Kingdom': Essays on Nineteenth Century Canada, (Authoring History), 2013.
Resistance and Rebellion in the British Empire, 1600-1980, 2013, Kindle edition.
Settler Australia, 1780-1880, 2013, Kindle Edition.
Coping with Change: British Society, 1780-1914, (Authoring History), 2013.
Before Chartism: Exclusion and Resistance, (Authoring History), 2014.
Suger: The Life of Louis VI 'the Fat', (Authoring History), 2014, Kindle edition.
Chartism: Rise and Demise, (Authoring History), 2014.
Sex, Work and Politics: Women in Britain, 1780-1945, (Authoring History), 2014.
Before Chartism: Exclusion and Resistance, (Authoring History), 2014, Kindle edition.
Chartism: Rise and Demise, (Authoring History), 2015, Kindle edition.
'Development of the Professions', in Ross, Alastair, Innovating Professional Services: Transforming Value and Efficiency, (Ashgate), 2015, pp. 271-274.
Chartism: Localities, Spaces and Places, The Midlands and the South, (Authoring History), 2015.
Chartism: Localities, Spaces and Places, The North, Scotland Wales and Ireland, (Authoring History), 2015.
Chartism, Regions and Economies, (Authoring History), 2016.
Breaking the Habit: A Life of History, (Authoring History), 2016.
Chartism: Localities, Spaces and Places, The Midlands and the South, (Authoring History), 2016, Kindle edition.
Chartism: Localities, Spaces and Places, The North, Scotland Wales and Ireland, (Authoring History), 2015, Kindle edition.
Chartism, Regions and Economies, (Authoring History), 2016, Kindle edition.
Suger: The Life of Louis VI 'the Fat', revised edition, (Authoring History), 2016.
Robert Guiscard: Portrait of a Warlord, (Authoring History), 2016.
Chartism: A Global History and other essays, (Authoring History), 2016.
Chartism: A Global History and other essays, (Authoring History), 2016, Kindle edition.
Roger of Sicily: Portrait of a Ruler, (Authoring History), 2016.
Three Rebellions: Canada, South Wales and Australia, (Authoring History), 2016.
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1830-1882, (Authoring History), 2017.
Disrupting the British World, 1600-1980, (Authoring History), 2017.
Britain 1780-1850: A Simple Guide, (Authoring History), 2017.
People and Places: Britain 1780-1950, (Authoring History), 2017.
Britain 1780-1945: Society under Pressure, (Authoring History), 2018.
Britain 1780-1945: Reforming Society, (Authoring History), 2018.
Three Rebellions: Canada, South Wales and Australia, (Authoring History), 2018, Kindle edition.
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1830-1882, (Authoring History), 2018. Kindle edition.
Disrupting the British World, 1600-1980, (Authoring History), 2018, Kindle edition.
Britain 1780-1945: Society under Pressure, (Authoring History), 2018, Kindle edition.
Britain 1780-1945: Reforming Society, (Authoring History), 2018, Kindle edition.
Robert Guiscard: Portrait of a Warlord, (Authoring History), 2016, 2018, Kindle edition.
Roger of Sicily: Portrait of a Ruler, (Authoring History), 2016, 2018, Kindle edition.
People and Places: Britain 1780-1950, (Authoring History), 2017, 2018, Kindle edition.
Breaking the Habit: A Life of History, (Authoring History), 2016, 2018, Kindle edition.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Published in Kindle
It’s almost a year since I published second editions of my Rebellion Quartet and I’m hoping that I will write the final volume next year. In the interim I have converted the published volumes into Kindles so that access is broadened. This proved to be a far simpler process than has been the case in the past and the results look good on my iPads.
Monday, 20 August 2018
Britain 1780-1945: Reforming Society
Britain 1780-1945: Reforming Society develops the ideas and chronological scope that I put forward in my earlier studies of Britain's social and economic development during the late-eighteenth, nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. The result is a new history of British society between 1780 and 1945. I have taken the opportunity of extending the chronological limits of the book from 1914 to 1945 and have radically restructured my earlier work rewriting each chapter to take account of recent thinking in an attempt to make it less Anglo-centred, white and male in character. The result is an examination of issues ignored in my earlier work, for instance, the ways in which poor relief operated differently in England, Scotland and Ireland and the question of disability. The book begins by examining the critical developments in the transformation of Britain's government, its urbanisation and the problems of housing, the revolution in how people worked and the problems posed by regulation and the problems of the public's health. It then moves on to look at poverty and the state and the nature of voluntary action and the development of a national system of education. The final chapters consider crime, punishment and policing.
Thursday, 8 February 2018
Resisting tithes
[1] Black, William G., What are Teinds? An Account of the History of Tithes in Scotland, (William Green & Sons), 1893, pp. 66-91.[2] ‘History and Settlement of Tithes in Scotland’, The Edinburgh Review, Vol. 75, (February 1823), pp. 1-26[3] Brent, Richard, ‘The Whigs and Protestant dissent in the decade of reform: the case of church rates, 1833-1841’, English Historical Review, Vol. 102, (1987), pp. 887-910.[4] Evans, E. J., The Contentious Tithe: The Tithe Problem and English Agriculture 1750-1830, (Routledge), 1976, pp. 163-168, considers developments after 1836.[5] ‘Meeting on Barham Downs’, Kentish Gazette, 20 May 1834, p. 3, an extensive report on the meeting.[6] ‘The Extraordinary Tithes’, Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser, 14 September 1883, p. 5. [7] ‘Sir W. Wayland and Tithes’, Folkestone, Hythe, Sandgate & Cheriton Herald, 13 April 1935, p. 16.[8] For instance, ‘Intensive Campaign in Kent and Sussex’, Kent & Sussex Courier, 13 October 1933, p. 19. [9] ‘Fascists’ Retort’, Bury Free Post, 12 August 1933, p. 8, ‘Week-end Tithe Scenes’, Bury Free Post, 13 August 1933, p. 8. See also, Mitchell, Andre M., Facism in East Anglia: The British Union of Fascists in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, 1933-1940, D,Phil., Thesis, University of Sheffield, 1999.[10] Twinch, Carol, Tithe War, 1918-1939: The Countryside in Revolt, (Media Associates), 2001), Griffiths, Clare, Labour and the Countryside: The Politics of Rural Britain 1918-1939, (Oxford University Press), 2007, provides context.[11] ‘Sixty Ducks Seized’, Kent & Sussex Courier, 7 September 1934, p. 2, ‘Excitement in East Kent Tithe War, Dover Express, 7 September 1934, p. 8.[12] Roberts, Gwyneth Tyson, The Language of the Blue Books: The Perfect Instrument of Empire, (University of Wales Press), 1998, p. 20.[13] Jones, Ieuan Gwynedd, Mid-Victorian Wales: The Observers and the Observed, (University of Wales Press), 1992, p. 123. [14] Jenkins, Geraint H., Language and Community in the Nineteenth Century, (University opf Wales Press), 1998, and Jenkins, Geraint H., Welsh Language and its Social Domains: A Social History of the Welsh Language, (University of Wales Press), 2000.[15] Y Gwyliedydd, 1836, pp. 172, 267.[16] Greal y Bedyddwyr, 1837, p. 225.[17] Thomas, Revd D., The Anti-Tithe Movement in Wales, (Llanelli), 1891, pp. 4-5, attached great importance to the depression in farming as a cause of the anti-tithe demonstrations.[18] Davies, Russell, Secret Sins. Sin, Violence & Society in Carmarthenshire 1870-1920, (University of Wales Press), 1996, pp. 135-139, Jones, Tim, Rioting in North East Wales 1536-1918, (Bridge Books), 1997, pp. 56-74, Edwards, E. R., The Tithe Wars in North-East Wales, (Coelion Publications), 1989, Dunbabin, J. P. D., Rural Discontent in Nineteenth Century Britain, (Faber), 1974, pp. 211-231, 282-296. .[19] ‘The Tithe Riots in Wales’, The Spectator, 4 June 1887, pp. 7-8.[20] ‘The Anti-Tithe Agitation in Wales’, The Spectator, 4 January 1890, pp. 26-27, review of work by R. E. Prothero published in London the previous year.[21] O’Donoghue, Patrick, ‘Causes of the Opposition to Tithes, 1830-38’, Studia Hibernica, Vol. 5, (1965), pp. 7-28.[22] See, for instance, Select Committee concerning Tithes in Ireland, First and Second Report, 1831.[23] For the tithe war from a local perspective, see O’Hanrahan, M., ‘The Tithe War in County Kilkenny 1830-1834’, in Nolan, William, and Whelan, Kevin, (eds.), Kilkenny: History and Society: Interdisciplinary Essays on the History of an Irish County, (Geography Publications), 1990, pp. 481-505, Higgins, N., Tipperary’s tithe war 1830-1838 : parish accounts of resistance against a church tax, (St. Helena Press), 2002, and Tierney, Mark, ‘The Tithe War in Munroe, 1831-8’, Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Vol. 103, (1965), pp. 209-221.[24] Owens, G., ‘The Carrickshock Incident, 1831: Social Memory and an Irish cause célèbre’, Cultural and Social History, Vol. 1, (1), (2004), pp. 36-64.[25] Garner, Edward, Massacre at Rathcormac, (Eigse Books), 1984. See also, McMahon, R., ‘‘A violent society’? Homicide rates in Ireland, 1831-1850’, Irish Economic and Social History, Vol. 36, (1), (2009), pp. 1-20, places the violence in Irish society before 1837 in a European context. [26] In 1832, the Tithe Arrears Act allocated £600,000 to the relief of tithe owners and empowered the government to collect arrears for 1831. The Tithe Composition Act also in 1832 converted the tithe into a money payment and made landlords responsible for payment. Tithe bills introduced in 1834, 1835 and 1836 foundered on the question of appropriation.[27] See Article III of the Articles Declaratory contained in the Schedule to the Church of Scotland Act 1921.[28] Dominguez, Juan Pablo, ‘Religious toleration in the Age of Enlightenment’, History of European Ideas, Vol. 43 (4), (2017), pp. 273-287, Henriques, Ursula, Religious Toleration in England, 1787-1833, (Routledge), 1961, pp. 18-53.[29] Salbstein, M. C. N., The Emancipation of the Jews in Britain, (Associated University Presses), 1982, pp. 17-55.
Thursday, 27 July 2017
Clerical Errors, Volume 2
Tom Hughes Clerical Errors: A Victorian Series, Volume 2, (Squeaking Chair Books), 2017, £4.65 Kindle edition, £8.99 paperback
Friday, 6 January 2017
New Review
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1830-1882
Famine, Fenians and Freedom, 1830-1882 focuses on the nature and impact of the Famine in its global Irish context in Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia. Why, how and where Irish emigrated and how they settled into their new communities. How different approaches to Irish nationalism evolved in Ireland, British colonies in Canada and Australia and in the United States and why it failed to achieve its objectives between 1830 and 1882 and the political character of the Irish diaspora. It also explores the nature and differences in the character of Irish rebellion in Ireland, mainland Britain, Canada and Australia in 1848 and during the 1860s looking especially at its military character and failure. The role played by individuals such as Daniel O’Connell, Thomas Davis, John Mitchel, John O’Mahony, James Stephens, John O’Neill, John Devoy, Michael Davitt, Isaac Butt and Charles Stewart Parnell.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Three Rebellions…a second edition
The first edition of Three Rebellions was completed in 2008 and finally published in early 2010. In the intervening years I have continued to grapple with the issues raised in the original volume publishing more detailed discussion of the rebellions in Britain, Canada and Australia.The major difference between the first and second editions is that I have significantly reduced the length of the work by taking out the foreword, relevant in 2009 but not today, and the chapters that dealt with the links between the three rebellions and how the rebellions have been remembered and commemorated. My reason for doing this—other than making the work tighter—is that I have included revised versions of these chapters in my Chartism: A Global History and other essays, published earlier this year.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Breaking the Habit: a review by John A. Hargreaves
Chartism: A Global History—a review by John A. Hargreaves
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Writing Reconsidering Chartism
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31 December 2013:
100,339 words
22 May 2014: 177,875 words
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9 July 2015: 141,158 words
13 December 2015: 143,452 words
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10 January 2016: 241,015 words
1 July 2016: 134,879 words